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Judgement of the Nations

Thy hand is on the Nations, come out of Her, come out of Her! Judgement of the Nations is about to begin. A Nation that has nothing to give but stones to their children, a Nations that encompasses thine hand upon evil will prevail no more. I will not let their secrets transpire for their ways are wicked. I desire for repentance and conviction of your souls desires. Your ways are NOT my ways, come out of Her my children. Abide in me.

GREAT DARKNESS will be poured out. Time, like you know it, prevails BUT imminently MY time will prevail. Great fear will be all around, cover thy faces for shame you wicked Nations, my judgement is upon you. You have been warned but you scoff at my righteous ones, but it is those that are mine you will search for and you will not find anymore. You Kings of Great Nations, how many times did i send my servants, my humble servants to warn you but you scoff from your high places. My wrath is upon you, you will hear my words no more, you will not find what you are looking forward to, it is not of this world but the world of darkness.

My little ones hold fast for my Glory will be poured on you for your light will lead many home. Stay strong, hold fast for your crown awaits you in my Grand reward for my noble people. Wait for the quickening to come, you will feel it in your spirit, a great quickening in your heart and mind will propel your days faster and faster, for this is my timing. Pray now for your favour that I give you. Pray that you are found worthy. There is no more time.

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